Every year, hundreds of young American Jews leave their homes, families, and communities to make "aliyah" to Israel. Some are born Israeli citizens and returning to fulfill their mandatory service. Due to their age, these new citizens of Israel are required to serve in the Israel Defense Forces. Since they are alone and without family, these new recruits are called "Lone Soldiers". In their first months and years in Israel, they find themselves in foreign settings far away from the familiarities of home. In order to show our appreciation, M'ever LaYam puts together personalized care packages filled with items that the soldier requests- which makes them both different and uniquely special. We cut through the red tape and hand deliver each package directly to their destination in Israel.
M'ever LaYam revolutionized care packages for lone soldiers by cutting through the red tape and bureaucracy to send the most requested American products to Israel. Delivered every Chanukah, each care package includes a personal letter written by students and community members from the soldier's hometown. This annual campaign brings happiness, comfort, and joy during Chanukah and a boost to the morale of soldiers serving so far away from their families.
We understand the challenges of decreased identification and emotional investment in Israel by diaspora Jewish youth. In order to bridge the gap between young American Jews and Israel, M'ever LaYam aims to create real human connections between Americans and lone soldiers from their communities through the sponsorship of care packages for specific soldiers from their community, or lone soldiers in general.
We hope to foster an environment of appreciation, love and support for all of our participants, and are committed to devoting our energy, passion, and resources to furthering the goal of creating a meaningful and lasting connection between Diaspora Jewry and Israel.